Saturday, July 19, 2008


He thought the escape was clear. The plan had fallen into place just as he calculated during the National Day of the Cowboy Celebration in Ainsworth. Oh how he wanted to see this cowboy's life end. He left him to bleed out on the barbwire fencing near the Comfort Inn. Jumping into his Chevy Malibu for a quick ride down past Long Pine and the big winding sweep into Bassett and then into the great beyond would seal his success. But was he dead? He just had to know. Turning around in the RC&D gravel driveway, he headed back to the scene just 20 minutes away.

Nothing had changed when he arrived. He stopped at the Pizza Hut for a quick meal and gave Nikki a big tip to prove nothing was wrong. Then a stop at Red & White for some snacks and a Cherry Coke. Valentine awaited.

Thoughts of tubing down the Niobrara as he had done as a child so many years ago flashed through his mind. Wouldn't that be easy, just like Huck Finn -- ride to wherever the river flows. But that wasn't a good plan either. Maybe push to South Dakota and escape in Sturgis or Rapid City. The hot, pounding road made his mind drift and as he reached the small town of Gordon, he needed a break. The Hacidenda would be a good place to rest but then it was quickly back to the road. A quick reverse trip down the main strip of Gordon was a mistake as he maneuvered over to Oak Street. The cars moved too slowly and for some reason eyes fell on him too much. Keep pushing forward, he told himself. Get out of this town of eyes. Chadron was ahead. A college town full of people that though different, like him.

That's where they found him. Halfway up the hill, just under the C. The body of a father, a son, a murderer yet murdered himself -- Sam Rebel.

Tommie Hellfigger wasn't the type to back down from anyone. Ever since he was a little kid he was the one everyone turned to for everything. Need an answer on Jeopardy, Tommie was your man. Need to score the winning touchdown, come to Tommie. Tommie always had the right connections.

Tommie was what many wanted to be. He was good at nearly everything yet humble, forthcoming and honest.


Sam Rebel never met a cat he didn't like to kick around or skin. Sam didn't have the luck of many of his so-called friends. Scrawny, pimply-faced and a klutz, Sam longed for the day of redemption and he had a love for peanuts.

What Sam knew was this: he was smarter, cooler and more devious than anyone he knew. Strong traits that is for sure for someone whose life was totally messed up.


Darin Wilson was the one to call. He knew what to do and was the first one on the scene at the Chadron State College campus. Having grown up in the Sandhills before spending time in Lincoln and the little hamlet of Nebraska City, Darin had a fear of what awaited him.

"What do we got?" Sheriff Maxwell Stone said, the second one on the scene of the demise of Sam Rebel.

"It's nasty," Darin said. "This wasn't random. This isn't pretty. There was vengeance. There was a nastiness beyond all nastiness dropped on this one."

"Looks like someone I once knew," Maxwell said, who had graduated from Sargent High in the mid-80s. "Any ID?"

"Haven't touched him yet," Darin said. "I just got here myself. Drove over from Ainsworth. I was over there celebrating with the cowboys. Quite a group they are. Still living off the land like that, raising cattle and branding. It's just a different life out here sheriff. But you know that."


Ainsworth wasn't the type of place this kind of thing happened. It was a peaceful little hamlet that cheered on their beloved Bulldogs on Friday night. Tommie Hellfigger, the star, was brutally killed. Head bashed in. Feet cut off. Terrible things to do to such a good kid, Darin thought as he looked at the scene. What could he have done to someone that was so terrible to get treated like this? Could he been involved in the drug scene? Could he have been involved with someone else's girlfriend? It was possible, Darin thought. But no one, no one deserves to see their life come to an end like this.

As he drove down Highway 385, he knew what he had done was right. That idiot deserved it! He deserved the pain and agony that he left him with. He had messed with his brain one too many times and with his former woman and he wasn't going to stand for it any more. And to make it into a public spectacle was even more important. Sam Rebel was scum, pure scum and seeing him dead at the big C was even more fulfilling.

He knew he was along the same route/area as Charles Starkweather. Now that was a real man for you. He wasn't taking crap from anyone. Why did those people have to get in his way? He needed to find a woman like the Fugate girl. He made that his mission today as he pulled into the Sonic just off Highway 26. He needed a younger woman. Not that he was old but he needed someone willing to do the things he liked and to listen to him. Be at his beck and call. He pushed the button and ordered a diet coke with real cherries and the voice on the other end was nice. Hmm...maybe this was the one. Would she be coming out? He was a good looking guy. Kept himself in good shape. She was headed his way. He would strike up a conversation. Oh my she looked good. "Good afternoon," he said. "Hi to you too," she said. "What's your name," he said as she blushed. "Annie," she said. "Nice name," he said as she handed him his drink. "Do you work much more today?," he said. "Just about ready to get off," she said as he smiled as he liked how this was going. He needed a partner in many areas to help with the stress. "Well let's do this then," he said. "OK," she said with a calmless. "I'll wait," he said.

Darin had these two crimes to deal with...both of them brutal...both of them that didn't really have an easy explanation. He examined all around Tommie without touching anything. The more he looked the more he wanted to catch this idiot. He felt a vibration and then pulled out his cell phone. It was a text from Maxwell, who had remained in Chadron with Sam Rebel.
*Found his feet*
*In Sam's car*
Hmmm...made sense Darin thought. Sam and Tommie had a come to Jesus session one night, at least it was a story told around these parts. Looks like things got out of control. But why was Sam dead as well?

Where should we head to? With Annie now by his side he felt like a real outlaw. One that could elude the national guard if he needed to. But killing isn't really what he was in this for. He needed Annie more for protection, an alibi, a friend. Georgia would be great. But so would Vegas, but that would be too loud. Charleston, now that's a nice southern place to. Where is calling to him? "Annie, where would you like to go?" "Anywhere but Nebraska," she said quickly. He agreed. It was time to get away from the corn and maybe to the south, to the land of cotton. But that would mean heading back to where they came from -- and who wants to do that?

Darin knew he needed to reach out to a friend, someone he could trust. He didn't need a big budget csi. He needed someone with real life experience yet also still connected to some sources. Of course that was Nicole. The program at Nebraska Wesleyan was in good shape, great shape. He would receive their emailed updates from her and knew how it was keeping on top of the latest trends.
*Hey back at you*
*I need you*
*Oh Darin*
*It's this case..two murders...must be connected...can you come west?*
*I need you*
*Should work...I'll call soon*
It was just what he was hoping for. Her brain worked in ways that his never could. She saw things from a different perspective. Her work with bodies was extensive. He knew she would help track down this person that in some ways seemed to want to be found.

"Hi guy," Nicole said later that night via phone.
"Hi back at you," Darin said. "It's been so long since I've heard your voice. I miss it."
"Whatever. What's the story? Figured anything out yet."
Darin couldn't put a finger on it but she sounded different. Different as in different. It wasn't bad but maybe even more confident than ever. That's a good thing. She seemed good.
"No. I know the two of them have a history but now there is someone else. I'm having the local talk to people around here. They are pretty quiet though. I'm hoping to spend some time at the bar, buy a few rounds, and maybe someone will let something slip."
"I'm in Grand Island," Nicole said. "Headed that way."

Desolate eastern Colorado was a fine place for him and Annie to go. It felt just right. These are some crappy towns. Oh well. No one knows me in this area. But we want to get South. Annie nuzzled up next to him. He's found a plaything for awhile that's for sure. The open highway is the best. Pedal to metal and just go. That's prick Sam Rebel. I probably took it too easy on him really. He destroyed my sister's life and I ended his, just the way it should happen.

Darin walked into the local watering hole on the main drag around midnight. The tables were full of drunks that were hooting and hollering and carrying on about life, love, Husker football and, of course, the killings. "What a disgusting thing," one said. "All a bunch of pieces of s-- if you ask me," another shouted. "Of course the police don't know anything," another said. "Might as well bring in some idiots to run it," said another. The whole place hooted.
*It's getting interesting here*
*Starting to talk a little smack*
*Anybody you know*
*Nope but I'll hang tight*
"So Mr. Copper, what do you know? Probably nothing," one of the drunk locals said slyly to Darin. "I know more than your sorry drunk ass," Darin said. "Oh a tough one who thinks he's superior I see," the man barked back and then spit in his face. "Yep. FBI. Fight, beat, interrogate I always say," as Darin punched the man in the mouth, then the nose, then the gut, then kicked him in the knee, then a punishing kick to the groin, with no punches returned. "Sorry," Darin said coyly.

Jennifer lay curled in her room. Her parents had knocked, knocked, knocked but she wasn't going to answer. Tommie, Tommie, Tommie is all she could think about. What did I do? He was it. The one. The one that meant big Sunday meals, trips out of the country, maybe frolick away to Mexico a time or two a year. Tommie was going to be her ticket to a new life. Sam, Sam, Sam. It was all just flirting. Nothing else. Nothing that mattered. Sam was a rebel. Tommie was the man! I could have had one or the other and I kind of chose both. Now...neither.

"Good morning," Annie said. "Gosh you are sexy. What do you do besides be awesome?" He turned over groggy. Finishing off the bottle of scotch while munching down on some peanuts in the vehicle was good but now it feels like a mistake. "I do my thing," he said. "Nice," Annie said. "I love it."

*I'm here*
Darin's phone vibed on the stand by his bed.
*Good come on up*
*Will do*
Knock, knock, knock. Darin sprung up. "So good to see you," Darin said as he hugged Nicole. "You too."

"Hi," he said. "Where are you?" Cali said to her brother, who seemed miles away. "Colorado, somewhere," he said. "They know." "Know what?" "About the killings." "Killings?" "Yes, Sam and Tommie." "Tommie?" "Tommie Hellifgger?" "Yes" "Oh, what happened?" "Oh so gross. Tied to a fence. Just a few blocks from mom and dad's." "Tommie? Wow, Sam deserved everything sister." "Yes, yes he did. Thank you. Love you."

Making their way to the Comfort Inn, the duo of Darin and Nicole was back together. The local police had some ideas, some thoughts, perhaps some clues. Something this messy can't be clean. It's too passionate, too involved. Bound to make a mistake, they both thought without uttering a word.

The media frenzy had begun. What started in the Ainsworth and Chadron papers had now become regional. The Grand Island Independent was there, the Lincoln Journal-Star and the Omaha World Herald were on their way. TV stations were setting up shop nearby at the outskirts of the football stadium nearby to get a backshot of the murder scene in Ainsworth. Darin kept thinking how all of them were going to keep up with the changes in the two towns, miles apart. He was also thinking how he was going to keep up with it? Thank goodness Nicole was here now. "This is brutal," Nicole said, who has seen a lot! "What's this?" she said suddenly as they were walking around the scene. There was a pile of peanuts nearby. "How random is that," Darin said. Why would there be a pile of peanuts, they both thought. Did the murderer spill them? What kind were they? Nicole called over the bagging people and after taking a photo they scooped some into their special bag.

"What's your name," Annie said.
"Zip it," he said.
"What's wrong? Annie said.
"I said, zip it. I'm fine."
"Come on snookie," Annie said.
A beat down was coming if she said one more word or even sneezed.
"Please," Annie said.
He kicked her slender body out of the bed and grabbed the TV remote in the process. He bashed the remote onto her nose. Blood spilled. He swung the remote, hitting her head. Blood spilled. The batteries exploded out of the remote. Peanuts flew.
"Stop," Annie screamed.
"Fuck you," he barked back. "You don't know me."
He picked up the flat screen TV and threw it at her. Blood spilled.
"Dumb bitch."
He was once again alone. He liked it.

Cali took a walk. First, she walked past Tommie's house. Friends and family and media were all around it. Poor Tommie. She kept walking. She headed towards Sam's place. All that was there were cop cars. Good, she thought. I'm so proud of my brother. Sam had taken her against her will on more than one occasion. She allowed it.  She didn't say anything except to her brother. No one else would do anything. She believed in her brother. She knew he would be her savior. He always was.
She pulled out her phone.
"911," the woman's voice on the other end said.
"I know who killed Tommie," Cali said.
"You do?" the 911 operator quizzed.
"Yes, that bastard Sam Rebel."

The report came back about the peanuts -- Planters Extra Large Virginia Peanuts.
Darin's phone rang. It was the sheriff.
"We just got a call," Stone said. "It's from a girl in town. Says Sam Rebel killed Tommie. Of course, it makes sense. But we will talk to her more. Find out if she knows any more."
"Who is it," Darin said.
"A girl named Cali Hyde," Stone said.
"Is she legit?"
"I think so," the sheriff said. "I believe so."
"Do you know much about her?"
"I know her family lives on the south side of town and she has an older brother. They aren't bad people."
"You coming back to town soon?" Darin asked.
"We should make our way over there. We will wait for you."
*You got our diet coke yet?*
*Geez be patient*
*I have been. We have a break about Tommie*
*So hurry back. I'm thirsty*

After quickly hanging up with 911, Cali thought about poor Jennifer. She knew Tommie and her had been dating for quite awhile. "Hello," Jennifer said. "Hi," Cali answered back.
"So good to hear your voice."
"So good to hear from you too."
"So weird with all of this with with Tommie and Sam."
"Ugh, yes it's horrible. Well for Tommie."
"What? For both of them. They were both...killed."
"Well yes they were. Very sickly. But Sam, Jennifer I've never been able to tell you but, Sam was the one who...who...who..."
"Oh God, Cali I'm so sorry. I wish you had told me! Sam and I well we...we...saw each other some times. I would never had if I'd known he was the one! The one that had abused you."
"Jennifer, what were you thinking! He's so mean and nasty! I'm just glad he finally got what he deserved! I'm proud of my brother."
"Your brother? What? What do you mean?"
"You won't say anything right?"
"Rylee finally killed Sam. For me..."

Rylee Bo knew he needed to get to a bigger place and blend in and the Capital City was a good place to head. He decided to take the scenic route into Kansas -- Atwood, Oberlin, Norton, Phillipsburg all took place in the rear view mirror on his way to Lincoln, Nebraska.

*Hi* Jennifer texted
*Hi back* Darin texted back as they knew each other as everyone does in a small town.
*Umm what?*
*Umm. I just found something out but I'm scared. It's about what happened at the Big C.*
*Calm down and just write. I'm listening.*
*My friend just told me her brother did it. But I know he did it for the right reason. To protect her.*
*Are you talking about Sam Rebel?*
*Who did it?*
*Rylee Bo* And Jennifer's mind drifted, disappointed in herself but also knowing that two men that she loved were dead.

The information really started to flow for everyone now, especially for the dynamic duo. They found out Cali was abused by Sam Rebel. They found out Jennifer was Tommie's girlfriend but also Sam's occasional so of course Sam wanted Jennifer to himself. Sam's craziness blinded him and he took out his rage on Tommie in a sick, sick way.
"We just got a call from Colorado," Stone said.
"What about?" Darin said.
"They found a dead girl in a hotel. They said it was brutal. She had check in with a man and the car had Nebraska license plates. The weird thing is that they found peanuts scattered in the room."
"Weird is right," Darin said. "Did they say their names?"
"Yes, you know where this is going right. It was Rylee Bow."
"Put out an alert."

##Rylee Bow was just out driving on a late night in Ainsworth. Nothing on his mind but just being. He pulled over near the Super 8, climbed on the trunk of his car, pulled out some peanuts and laid back to look at the stars in complete darkness. A bit in the distance, he saw a car pull up and what looked like a man get out of the driver's side and make his way to one of the back doors. Is he pulling some out? He heard something. Thought maybe it was a scream, begging, hoping...What was going on? He climbed off of his car and made his way closer. The one man was dragging another person that looked like a man, but it was so dark. The man being drug was moaning. Horrible moans. Gruesome moans. The man was carrying someone in his other hand. Like a ball of wire or something? Rylee saw the man pick the other person, that looked like a man up and push him against the barbed wire fencing as the man screamed a little louder. He could see the man now taking wire and wrapping the man with it to the fence, securing him. For what? The man walked back to the car and took out a baseball bat. The man walked back to the fence and started hitting the person in the head over and over and over and over. What was going on? Rylee thought. What do I do? Who was it? The bashing and bashing and bashing and then it ended. The man left the other person there and walked back to his car as Rylee watched as he was closer now. The man got back in and slumped in the seat. Who were they? Rylee thought. Locals? Had to be! Rylee thought to himself he needed to see who this man was in the car. But he waited. He wasn't tired even though it was 1 a.m. He was so wired. It was 1:30, then 2 and the man in the car hadn't moved in a long time from Rylee's view. Even though he was sickened, he wanted to see if he would see who they were. He inched closer to the car. And closer. And closer and he thought he recognized the car. Couldn't be? Could it? He got closer and closer and was now on his knees just outside the driver's door. He hadn't seen movement in a long time. He had to see if it was him, the man that he knew had abused his sister, his Cali. He slowly pulled his head up, and looked through the window and it was Sam Rebel, that fucking bastard. Rylee snapped!##

Rylee had made his way out of Kansas and onto Highway 77 and heading into Lincoln. He took Satillo Road and then a left on 40th and near the corner of Highway 2 and 40th Street he found a gravel parking lot near a little practice baseball field and parked, climbed into the back seat and rested.

The reports had come back that Rylee's vehicle had been spotted in Kansas, then in southeast Nebraska heading north so Darin and Nicole were heading south quickly. Nicole liked to drive fast so Darin let her drive as they roared down the interstate past Grand Island, York and Seward as Nicole had a hunch where he was headed -- a bigger population center.
"We are hearing they've spotted his car in Lincoln," Stone said.
"We had that thought," Darin said back.
"Lincoln PD says his car is in a gravel parking lot near a little baseball field near 40th and Highway 2," Stone said. "They have the roads blocked off but haven't seen any movement from the vehicle."
"Tell them to wait for us before they approach it."
"Will do."
The duo sped even faster. They wanted to help end this for everyone.

Oh God what have I done, Rylee thought as he woke up after what seemed like an eternity but was just a few hours. What the fuck have I done? I've killed two people. Holy shit. They must know by now it was me. He poked his head up and just saw a steady flow of traffic going down both the Highway and 40th. But no one nearby. He got out of the back seat and started walking north and suddenly there was a creek bed in view. A runner went by on his left and they nodded to each other. Rylee then made his way down into the creek bed that was lined with trees. A good place to be.

With traffic on the north side of the Highway being diverted, Nicole parked the car in the middle of the highway and the two jumped out of their vehicle and quickly approached what looked like the leader of the PD.
"Has anyone got close to the car yet?" Darin asked.
"No we were waiting for you," the PD woman answered back.
"Ok. Nicole, you ready?"
"Let's go."
The two of them cautiously made their way onto the sidewalk and then started to approach the car in the parking lot. There was nothing to hide behind. Nothing to stop them if Rylee was in there and had a gun. They slowly approached and seeing no movement, got closer and closer and finally Darin could peer in. No one! "Dammit," he screamed. "Where could he have gone? Into the neighborhood? Across the highway?"
"No," Nicole said. "Look over there it looks like a creek bed. He wouldn't put himself into the open. He has to know that people are looking for him."
The two called the PD over and they all made their way down into the creek bed. Half of them went west and the other half went east, including Darin and Nicole. They walked and searched through the brush and the overgrown trees. The water wasn't deep. They kept walking and walking and finally saw a road ahead, 48th. A look to the right and they saw a bike trail heading down under the road. That's where they found him, leaned up against a cement wall, grabbing his knees and sobbing uncontrolably.

The End 



A trip to western Nebraska in 2008 gave me an idea for a book -- a murder mystery set along the roads that I traveled during my trip and Nebraska during my lifetime. The title is Rebel Roads.